Tag Archives: camera

Shoot Your Kids (or any loved one) Photography Class | Charlotte, NC


Date Correction above!  Thursday and Sunday (Friday there is no school)

Who Should Attend:

  • Anyone who wants hands-on lessons, not a lot of technical jargon that’s hard to understand.
  • Thinks ISO, shutter speed and aperture is confusing and wants to learn how their camera settings work.
  • Would love to know tips and tricks to taking better photos.
  • Blogs and wants to take their blog to the next level with great photos.

You will learn:

  • All about your camera settings, from ISO and aperture to shutter speed and focus.
  • Natural light techniques
  • Composition
  • Depth of Field
  • White Balance

You will get:

  • Practice taking photos
  • Your questions answered
  • A notebook full of notes and info from the class
  • A fun half-day with other folks

You bring:

  • Your digital SLR with lens and FULLY CHARGED battery
  • An empty memory card
  • Your camera manual

Shoot Your Loved Ones Seminar: $99

Call now to ask questions, or call with your credit card info to reserve your spot.

Classes will be kept small for these classes, and will be held in my home office/studio in the Elizabeth neighborhood.



Hope to see you soon!

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