Monthly Archives: August 2012

Coquina Soup… really.

You know those tiny little clam-like things that are about the size of your pinky fingernail, and wash up on the beach?  You know… the ones that burrow down right away, and  leave that little air hole.   Well, you know you are on vacation when you decide to make coquina soup.  (Who has time?)   Luckily, my brother-in-law is a marine biologist, so he could tell me what to do, and luckily all four of us were popping the meats out after I boiled them.  There were 901 of them.  Yes, we counted.

But we were all surprised by how tasty the soup ended up.  I didn’t add any potato or other chowdery things so that folks would know that what they were tasting really was the coquina.  We are ready to open the Coquina Soup Kitchen.  Except each bowl will be very expensive.  It’s very time consuming.

The coquina pop right open when boiled.

The pretty shells once they are open.  Who would have thought that 901 coquinas produces about 3/4 cup of meat.  My daughter said she wouldn’t eat them even if she was on a deserted island.  I think we know otherwise.

Back from vacation, now back to work!


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